Dr Salmah Eva-Lina Lawrence

My Papers
Lawrence, Salmah Eva-Lina 2015. Witchcraft, Sorcery, Violence: Matrilineal and Decolonial Reflections. In: Forsyth., Miranda & Eves, Richard (eds) Talking it Through: Responses to Sorcery and Witchcraft Beliefs and Practices in Melanesia. http://press.anu.edu.au?p=316611
Lawrence, Salmah Eva-Lina. 2018. Speaking for ourselves : Kwato perspectives on matriliny and missionisation. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Australian National University, 2018. https://openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au/handle/1885/147059
Lawrence, Salmah Eva-Lina. 2022. Sorcellerie, ensorcellement, violence dans la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guineé contemporaine: réflexions matrilinéaires et décoloniales. In: Taraud Christelle (ed.) Féminicides. Une histoire mondiale. Paris: La Découverte.
Lawrence, Salmah Eva-Lina. 2023. Challenging power and discrimination: A letter to my younger self. In: Wilson, Lee & Milligan, Simon (eds) Dear Development Practitioner: Advice for the Next Generation. Routledge.
Lawrence, Salmah Eva-Lina forthcoming 2024. Whose knowledge matters: Subjugation and power in international development. In: Jakimow, Tanya, Jolly, Margaret, Vijeyarasa, Ramona & Palmieri, Sonia (eds) Engendering Politics: Asian and Pacific Frames for Transforming Research and Action. ANU Press.
Lawrence, Salmah Eva-Lina. forthcoming 2024. Decolonial Feminism and International Development. In: Bhana, Deevia, Shefer, Tamara & Chandra, Giti (eds) Decolonial Feminisms, Decolonising Feminisms: Transnational Perspectives. Routledge.
Lawrence, Salmah Eva-Lina. forthcoming 2024. Decolonising International Development: The view from the Majority World.
Lawrence, Salmah Eva-Lina. 2022. The Majority World – what’s in a phrase? Philanthropy Australia
News and Stories [Online]. Available from: https://www.philanthropy.org.au/news-and-stories/the-majority-world-whats-in-a-phrase/
Lawrence, Salmah Eva-Lina. 2023. Change on locally led development is non-negotiable: what’s the first move? The Intel [Online]. Available from: https://www.devintelligencelab.com/intel/01june2023